About Hetty Ansing

Art and Fascination

Hetty Ansing (Haarlem 1949) as a child already was fascinated by the subject ‘people’.
In her teens she had the privilege of being taught by a well-known artist from Haarlem who deepened her love for the portrait.

That love for the portrait remained, but also grew the desire adding something to it. In watercolor she found what she was looking for.

She immersed herself for a long time in this matter, adopted several techniques and developed a style reminiscent of the paintings called ‘fijnschilderkunst’.
This turned out to be a success formula that particularly appeals to her clients and made her style clear and recognizable.

Watercolor can be a tricky medium, particularly in portraits. But in the right hands this technique delivers beautiful and transparent color nuances. Hetty does give her portraits a contemporary expression.
Later on she added a fascinating technique to her oeuvre, the classic painting with a new look, still life in acrylic.

In 1995 an Indonesian businessman and art collector, recognized in her style and presentation something unique, a similarity with the work of ‘old masters’ who have contributed to the artistic imaging of Indonesia in the years 1920 to 1940. Their paintings still are favourite collectors’ items. After several commissioned paintings he invited her to come to Indonesia to get acquainted with the real Indonesian atmosphere.

The country, the people, the beautiful colours and the great cultural diversity, it all fascinated her.
At the same time, she came into contact with important artists and also with director Neka of the Neka museum in Ubud (Bali). It is there where beautiful works of the painters Le Majeur, Bonnet and Hofker are presented.
There the watercolors of Hofker turned out to be the ‘ link ‘ with the work of Hetty Ansing.
The trips through the country, villages, rice terraces and the introduction to the population formed the discovery of a new love. The dance performances made the spell complete. Indonesia became her second love.
With the commitment for two exhibitions, a lot of impressions, drawings and photographs, she drew back in her studio in Netherlands.

After special exhibitions and workshops in Jakarta November 1997, Hetty Ansing focused on all who had an emotional bond with Indonesia. Some of them bonded of the colonial past, others because of their personal life.
In 1998 she contacted the world’s largest pasar outside Indonesia, the Pasar Malam Besar (now Tong Tong Fair) in The Hague. This new challenge was a resounding success and till 2011 her name was associated with this pasar. Her big gallery stand became a centre of buyers, collectors, artists and all those people who have a large and emotional desire to the land of their birth, Indonesia.

Her success was followed up with a large exhibition in the Westfries Museum in Hoorn (Netherlands), spring 2000. The cultural attaché from the Indonesian Embassy, Dr. Andilolo attended this exhibition. His enthusiasm for the way in which Hetty Ansing imagined his country led him to invite her for an exhibition on the Indonesian Embassy. That might be seen as great honour, where usually just Indonesian artists are introduced.
In 2002 once again a large exhibition ‘Longing for Indonesia’ followed at the Embassy, for that occasion Hetty Ansing was asked to invite some other painters.

Many works were purchased by Ambassador Dr. Abdul Stanley, who has a warm admiration for her style and technique. Because of the good relationship with the Indonesian Embassy, all major exhibitions were opened by various Ambassadors or a representative of the Embassy (see ‘my photo book’).
In 2007 Hetty again received an invitation from the Westfries Museum on the occasion of the 750 year celebration of trade relations with Indonesia. Authentic Indonesian dance and music groups always are part of her spectacular openings, being an attractive frame of her special exhibitions.

Castle Zeist received Hetty Ansing in 2011 with the great and successful exhibition ‘ Inspiring Indonesia ‘.
The large number of enthusiastic and emotional comments in the guestbook of Castle Zeist showed how deep the bond between Netherlands and Indonesia is anchored.
In 2015 a part of her collection was exhibteded in Castle Arcen.

New technique.
In 2013 Hetty came into contact with master painter Poen de Wijs. He helped her finding new expression possibilities that were present but not yet developed. He taught her the technique of the old master painters. Because of his illness, he was just a short period able to guide her, but he knew that her experience and understanding would help her further. She brought his wise lessons in practice and worked them out in her stylish collection Still Lifes.

Hetty Ansing is lucky that she loves people and has the ability to display them on this fascinating way.
She went a unique challenge and her talent resulted in atmospheric paintings that radiate emotion, beauty and involvement. Her paintings are sold en shown in many places in the world.

Recent Expositions

The Financial Club
Des Indes
The Netherlands
Kurhaus Bad Oeyenhaus
Graanschuur I.C.C.
The Netherlands
Theater ‘Het Klein’
The Netherlands
Indonesian Embassy
The Netherlands
Westfries Museum
The Netherlands
Indonesian Embassy
The Netherlands
Serah Artisan
The Netherlands
Westfries Museum
The Netherlands
1998 – 2011
Pasar Malam Besar
The Netherlands
Slot Zeist
The Netherlands
La Table
The Netherlands
Excellent Art Fair
The Netherlands
La Table
The Netherlands
Life style event
The Netherlands
Kasteel Arcen
The Netherlands
La Table
The Netherlands
Galerie Sous terre
The Netherlands
Galerie Arthuus
The Netherlands

Book illustrations

‘Allamanda’ novel by Corrie A. Bos
‘Dewi Sri’ legend by Drs. Ruud Greve
‘Indonesia in a different way’ by Deva Travel
‘Istori Kita’ by Simone Strakenbroek


The Netherlands
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
The Financial Club
Djaka Lodang

News papers / Indonesia

The Jakarta Post
Fajar Bali
Bernas Jogja
Harian Jogja
Kadaulatan Rakyat
Bisnis Indonesia